The Easy Way to be a Freedom Fighter
Easy Way to Be a Freedom Fighter - End It Movement article at Rocking God's House

Amy Ott Christian Lifestyle Blogger - Rocking God's House

You can make a difference. Today.

In our age of social media and its myriad of voices and noise there is a way to make a difference. I want to introduce you to the End It Movement, a coalition of the leading organizations working to fight slavery.

Slavery a big problem.

How big?

27 million people sharing the earth with us right now are in slavery.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Friday, Feb. 27, 2015, draw a red X on your hand in honor of those people. Share about it on your social media posts. (They recommend taking a selfie with your hand and tag it #enditmovement.) And be ready to answer questions as you go about your day. The End It Movement believes that awareness is the first step. It sounds simple, but who will try to end it if no one knows that slavery is happening?

I believe all Christians should be involved in some form of justice ministry. You do not need to read too far in the Bible to see that this is on God’s heart too. Psalm 82:3 (The Voice) says, “Stand up for the poor and the orphan; advocate for the rights of the afflicted and those in need.”

Awareness is a great first step. Learn more about modern-day slavery and the forms it takes here, at End It Movement, so you can can answer the questions that will come your way.

Then do one more thing. This part is up to you: give to a trusted organization (check out those in the End It Movement coalition), write a letter to a government official, pray, or join a group that gets their hands dirty as they are on the ground doing Chuck Norris-esque work.

Your voice can make a difference and it can start right now. Let’s all take part in “Shine a Light on Slavery Day.”

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, and to love kindness and mercy, and to humble yourself and walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (AMP)