Book Review – Revealing Jesus by Darlene Zschech: 365 Days of Revelations and Affirmations
I feel it is best to start out with a confession: devotionals have not been my favorite way to praise in the past. Countless times I have sat through the readings of my family’s traditional Advent devotional, and my only concern was that my food was getting cold. Christian recording artist Darlene Zschech’s 365 Day Devotional was an absolute pleasure to read; not just because I’ve acquired more patience with age, but because it is well written, heart-warming, and an excellent way to begin one’s day.
Darlene’s writing style is easy to understand, and more importantly, her lessons and reminders are easy to relate to. Many instances as I read through her book, I got that wonderful feeling that I was not alone. She is a Christian just like me and faces the same doubts, struggles, and temptations. Her chosen quotes from scripture and explanations helped me feel like my Christian roots were taking an even firmer hold in the world we live in. When I finished her book, I felt proud of my Christian driven accomplishments and empowered to battle against my flaws and sins.
I could easily write an entire companion piece to Darlene Zschech’s “Revealing Jesus” about what I found most inspirational and thought provoking, but in the interest of being succinct and focusing on her messages, I will share just a few of my favorite lessons from her book. As citizens of America and the world, we were recently dealt a blow by the attacks during the Boston Marathon. Darlene shed light on tragedies, such as the attack, that made me feel less pain for the afflicted for the first time since I heard the news. She reminded me that God is with us– here and now, everywhere and always. He hears our prayers. It helped me so much to be reminded that “pain is never the last word.” We can take comfort knowing that all victims on earth have the love and care of our Lord, in this life and the next.
Darlene reminded me that we can only be forgiven and grow from our mistakes, if we seek to. We can hide nothing from God, and it is foolish to try. Confession is for all of us! We should also be mindful that as Christians, it is our duty here to seek out those who need to be forgiven, though they may not be asking for it, or even want it. We are lucky enough to share God’s grace with our fellow men and women.
Grace is one of many of God’s gifts, and Darlene reminds us that many of His gifts are tailored uniquely to you and me. We must use our gifts and let our light shine! That light will not only strengthen your relationship with God and those around you, but it can be a far reaching beacon. Darlene reiterates something we hear all the time in our daily lives: actions speak louder than words. Living as a Christian example of all the virtues God holds dear will bring joy to our lives, and be a powerful compulsion for other’s to do the same. What could be more contagious than joy? Even the flu can’t beat that!
Darlene Zschech’s book is easily a 10 out of 10 for me! I recommended it to at least a dozen people as I was reading it! Go ahead and sample it easily on Amazon to see for yourself. The hardcover version, Kindle version, audio CD are extremely affordable. I want to share the revelations and affirmations I garnered from this devotional with absolutely everyone. Even if they never read “Revealing Jesus,” I know that my words and actions will be a testament to the lessons I learned from this book.
Published By Bethany House and Available Everywhere.