God’s Not Dead 2 – Spencer Kane Talks the Movie and the Millennial Tour

The executive producer of “God’s Not Dead,” and, coming soon, “God’s Not Dead 2,” is responsible for The Millennial Tour that is hitting several festivals and venues this summer and hopefully coming to a church or youth group event near you. Check the website www.themillenialtour.com for more information.
Only born in ’96, Kane has a promising future in the world of music and as a role model for youth. Well-spoken with a sense of maturity beyond his years, he answered every question head on with open, honest answers. You and your children should get to know him. He is doing wonderful things to promote God and Christ’s Kingdom; he is truly Rockin’ God’s House!
As we discuss in the interview, he has a small but important role in the upcoming “God’s Not Dead 2,” which features actress Melissa Joan Hart as a teacher in a high school classroom. The sequel focuses on faith in a school setting again, but this time a high school teacher, Melissa Joan Hart, is taken to court for expressing her Christian faith in the classroom. (In the original, an atheist professor attacks the faith of one of his college students.) Spencer did not give a lot of room for spoilers; he didn’t really need to. The movie is going to be worth seeing. “God’s Not Dead” was one of the most successful faith-based movies of all time, as documented in 2014. It cost a mere $2 million to make, but it made $60 million. Its dollar for dollar profit was higher than any other movie, Christian or secular, in 2014, and it turned many heads in Hollywood. See the sequel when it comes out Easter 2016, go to the Millennial Tour, and check out Spencer Kane on his website spencerkanemusic.com.
The Millennial Tour seems like a really exciting event. Could you discuss it with us and how it’s connected to the “God’s Not Dead” movies?
Yeah, the Millennial Tour is an awesome tour that we have been putting together starting with “God’s Not Dead.” The executive producer of “God’s Not Dead” is also putting his daughter on the tour. It is really just an awesome event that will be featuring some music from artists that are up and coming, hopefully going to be able to go to a bunch of churches, and we have been doing a bunch of festivals this summer. And we are reaching out to churches and youth groups, which is the millennial generation 16-30, anywhere between there, college to high school age is what we really want to hit. We want to teach these kids how to defend their faith, show them ways that they can stand up for what they believe in school settings and in public just like in the first movie, in “God’s Not Dead,” Shane Harper had to defend his faith in the college classroom; and now in the second one that is coming out, which is actually featuring a few Millennial Tour artists, “Gods Not Dead 2” will be set in high school and show, on so many different levels, how kids can defend their faith through different encounters that they will have to face when bringing their faith into public settings. The tour will be great and feature all sorts of music from different genres: pop, hip hop, dance music, everything from country to worship; it’s going to be a solid line-up that covers every spectrum as we come to churches and perform for youth. I’m so excited about it; it’s going to be a really great thing.
The Millennial Tour seems like a really exciting event. Could you discuss it with us and how it’s connected to the “God’s Not Dead” movies?
Yeah, the Millennial Tour is an awesome tour that we have been putting together starting with “God’s Not Dead.” The executive producer of “God’s Not Dead” is also putting his daughter on the tour. It is really just an awesome event that will be featuring some music from artists that are up and coming, hopefully going to be able to go to a bunch of churches, and we have been doing a bunch of festivals this summer. And we are reaching out to churches and youth groups, which is the millennial generation 16-30, anywhere between there, college to high school age is what we really want to hit. We want to teach these kids how to defend their faith, show them ways that they can stand up for what they believe in school settings and in public just like in the first movie, in “God’s Not Dead,” Shane Harper had to defend his faith in the college classroom; and now in the second one that is coming out, which is actually featuring a few Millennial Tour artists, “Gods Not Dead 2” will be set in high school and show, on so many different levels, how kids can defend their faith through different encounters that they will have to face when bringing their faith into public settings. The tour will be great and feature all sorts of music from different genres: pop, hip hop, dance music, everything from country to worship; it’s going to be a solid line-up that covers every spectrum as we come to churches and perform for youth. I’m so excited about it; it’s going to be a really great thing.

A few of us Millennial Tour artists — myself, Abigail Duhon, LoveCollide, and Jor’Dan Armstrong — we all got to be part of the movie, and we are all featured extras so there will definitely be able to catch a scene or two in the movie where you will see our faces on the big screen. When we sat down in the classroom scene that we were filming, the director looked at me and he chose me to be a kid that sneakily sends a text to his mom and is complaining to her that in class they are talking about Jesus. So from then on, you guys will have to kind of figure out what happens after that. I don’t speak or anything, I just have a little action in the movie.
So you got to work with Melissa Joan Hart? What was that experience like?
She is the teacher in the movie in the classroom when all of this stuff goes down. She is awesome, very talented; I did not get to hang around her too much. The main actors and the extras were kind of separated off, but she was really cool, very nice and friendly and definitely knew what she was doing.
As a millennial yourself and an entertainer, do you feel that the best way to approach youth today, is through music, entertainment, technology, and visuals?
Yes, I know I use technology, entertainment on my phone all the time, so being able to connect with these kids through the outlets they are already using — with Twitter and Instagram and YouTube channels — and making events with Christian movies now that are bringing a lot more quality because they have some backers now, and they’re able to do well in the theater and the box office — being able to push Christian entertainment more to the public eye and putting it in front of kids. I feel like that is the best way to get a hold of them and really try to make an impact . This tour is filled with young people, not a single artist is older than the millennial generation, and so we will hopefully be able to connect with a bunch of kids and show them that it is cool to have faith and it’s cool to be able to live out standards and to live out things you learn from reading in the Bible and not to worry what other people think.
As a millennial yourself, like you mentioned, you are still a very young guy; is entertainment all you ever wanted to do?
As I have been living out my career for five years now this is definitely where I see myself heading but, If I am going to be honest, when I was growing up entertainment was not something I really thought too much of. I thought it would be kind of cool to perform on stage sometime, but it was never my main focus. It was basketball and baseball and athletics; they were my main goal. Playing in the NBA or MLB or at least being an athlete in college was my main goal and where my head and heart was. So around 8th grade I started, in school, doing a little bit of music, and that kind of progressed way quicker than anything else I had been doing, and I just felt that was a huge sign from God saying this is where I am heading and where I need to be. So this is where I have been
going. I gave up sports my sophomore year in high school to pursue music. I think it has been the right choice, and I pray about it everyday, and I am just as excited about it every day, so this path is where I am going.
At least there are a lot less bumps and bruises performing as a musician as opposed to being an athlete?
[laughs] Oh yeah — now, don’t get me wrong, there could be a little step or two on stage or stepping on the stage that might cause you to trip, but that’s about it.