Don’t Be a Scrooge This Thanksgiving…

Why Gratitude Might Save Your Life!

Lifestyle Blog - Don't Be A Scrooge This Thanksgiving at Rocking God's House

Amy Ott Christian Lifestyle Blogger - Rocking God's House

The legendary sir Paul McCartney has a song called “Gratitude” from his album Memory Almost Full, and it’s the perfect inspiration to help us avoid being a scrooge on Thanksgiving.

And yes, I’m mixing holiday stories here. But the idea works. We can be a scrooge for any holiday!

This holiday (yes, the one where we stuff our bellies full) is probably the healthiest for us.

Why? Because the core of Thanksgiving is the idea of gratitude.

And, let me tell you, gratitude is GOOD for you!

Check out this quote from a New York Times article:

“Cultivating an ‘attitude of gratitude’ has been linked to
better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term
satisfaction with life and kinder behavior towards others, including romantic

If you consider the implications of these health benefits, gratitude might save your life!

There are two important things to remember about gratitude:

1. It’s always God’s will for us: “Celebrate always, pray constantly, and give thanks to God no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. (This is God’s will for all of you in Jesus the Anointed).” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (VOICE)

2. It’s half of the key that unlocks the promise of Phillipians 4:6-7 (VOICE):

“Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.”

So, we can resume our Google searches of “how to make gluten-free stuffing” or “low-carb mashed potatoes recipe,” but the healthiest thing to do on that feasting Thursday is to give thanks to our Creator and our Father, the Giver of all good things.

And to provide a little inspiration for that mindset, give the YouTube video at the top a listen and let “Gratitude” fill your day!