Aslan's Paw Logo SmallRocking God’s House is pleased to present Aslan’s Paw, the official podcast of RGH editor and author Kevin Ott. Below the “About” blurb are a few of the podcast’s most popular episodes.

About Aslan’s Paw:

Aslan’s Paw cracks open the treasures of Christian belief — the things that Western society has forgotten, ignored, or never encountered — with the help of literature, film, music, and one very unsafe Lion. Featuring Christian non-fiction author and composer Kevin Ott — along with the occasional celebrity interview and guest podcaster — Aslan’s Paw looks to question the often unchallenged presuppositions that so many Westerners hold about Christianity and the nature of faith — assumptions that people often embrace without realizing it. In addition, Aslan’s Paw aims to help Christians rediscover the transforming power of the Gospel that we can so easily take for granted.

Check out two of our most popular episodes below or go to the Aslan’s Paw website to hear the newest episodes. This podcast is also available on iTunes.

Check our more episodes, including the latest ones, here.