by Abbie Stancato | Sep 30, 2014 | Movies/TV/Books
Who Defines Morality: God & Bible, Society or the Government? Apologetic Dr. Frank Turek: Interview Part II America is becoming a nation of individual rights. I don’t believe democracy can exist without a stable and unified moral foundation. This begs the...
by Kevin Ott | Sep 29, 2014 | Christian Music/Artists
Young Oceans New Album Atmospheric and Aching With such an atmospheric band name — Young Oceans — I wasn’t expecting anything less than a richly layered, atmospheric album, the kind that immediately draws your finger to the “repeat all”...
by Josh Belcher | Sep 28, 2014 | Movies/TV/Books
Why Kim of Queens Makes Grown Men Cry: A Chat with Kim Rare is it that a big strong man admits to crying. It was a first for me when I answered the phone and Kim Gravel from the popular Lifetime show called Kim Of Queens (#KimOfQueens) was on the other line....
by Abbie Stancato | Sep 26, 2014 | Christian Writers, Movies/TV/Books
75% Of Children Are Leaving Church; Who’s To Blame? Apologetic Dr. Frank Turek: Interview Part I Why do 75% of Christian young adults leave the church after attending higher education? Is it the fault of the church, or parents? Can we reverse this trend?...
by Kevin Ott | Sep 25, 2014 | Movies/TV/Books
“The Song” — Christian Movie Review When Jed King (Alan Powell), son of famous musician David King, follows in the steps of his father and begins a music career, he meets a woman named Rose (Ali Faulkner) along the way. As they fall in love, he...